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Benjamin about Mango Honey Ataulfo from Jurassic Fruit

Mango Honey Ataulfo 3kg

45,46 € 45,46 € 15,15 € / kg Excl shipping


  • A prized mango, sweet and yellow as honey
  • Harvested at the peak of its flavor
  • Melt-in-your-mouth, fibre-free, almost buttery
  • Provides vitamin A, C and antioxidants
  • Direct from a small family farm
  • Naturally and ethically grown, pesticide free

👉 About 5 mangoes in 1 kg

Currently unavailable

Delivery from Tue 06/08/2024 (can be changed)
Max. freshness, min. waste — we harvest after you order. click here to get delivery information (cost, delay)
Secure payment Paypal, Sofort, Visa, Mastercard

Mangue Honey Ataulfo, elle fond dans la bouche comme du miel

Envie de découvrir une mangue exceptionnelle ? Tu vas adorer notre mangue Honey Ataulfo, mûrie sur l’arbre et en provenance directe d’un petit producteur en cours de certification bio du Mexique. 

Cette petite mangue jaune et sucrée, aussi appelée mangue miel, est un véritable régal pour les papilles. Sa chair onctueuse et sans fibres fond littéralement dans la bouche, surtout quand elle est bien mûre !

A savoir : la mangue Ataulfo est légèrement moins sucrée que les variétés plus classiques Kent ou Haden.

À Jurassic Fruit nous te proposons une qualité supérieure : sans pesticides, cultivée de manière éthique et durable et récoltée au sommet de sa saveur. 

Imagine-toi savourer une mangue fraîchement cueillie, livrée chez toi seulement quelques jours après la récolte. Nos clients décrivent cette expérience comme de véritables vacances à la maison…

Un fruit exotique qui allie éthique, santé et plaisir

En choisissant cette mangue, tu fais un geste social et environnemental. Fini les fruits remplis de produits chimiques et les méthodes de culture douteuses. Jurassic Fruit s'engage à te fournir une mangue Ataulfo vraiment naturelle et respectueuse de l'environnement.

Gorgée de vitamines et de minéraux, elle est parfaite pour booster ton énergie et renforcer ton système immunitaire. 

N'attends plus pour goûter à cette mangue Ataulfo unique en son genre ! Fais voyager tes sens et commande dès maintenant notre mangue Honey Ataulfo en pleine saison. Profite de l'expérience exaltante que ce fruit exotique a à t'offrir.

Mango Honey Ataulfo - Melts in Your Mouth Like Honey

Craving an exceptional mango experience? You'll love our Mango Honey Ataulfo, tree-ripened and sourced directly from one of our small farmers.

This small, sweet yellow mango, also known as honey mango, is a true delight for your taste buds. Its creamy, fiberless flesh literally melts in your mouth, especially when it's perfectly ripe!

Note: the Ataulfo mango is slightly less sweet than the more classic Kent or Haden varieties.

At Jurassic Fruit, we offer superior quality: pesticide-free, ethically and sustainably grown, and harvested at the peak of its flavor.

Imagine savoring a freshly picked mango, delivered to your doorstep just a few days after harvest. Our customers describe this experience as a real vacation at home...

An Exotic Fruit Combining Ethics, Health, and Pleasure

By choosing this mango, you're making a socially and environmentally responsible choice. Say goodbye to fruits filled with chemicals and questionable farming practices.Jurassic Fruit is committed to providing you with a truly natural and eco-friendly Mango Honey Ataulfo.

Packed with vitamins and minerals, it's perfect for boosting your energy and strengthening your immune system.

Don't wait any longer to taste this one-of-a-kind small tropical mango!
Let your senses travel and order our in-season Mango Honey Ataulfo right now. Embrace the delightful experience this exotic fruit has to offer.

Keep mango at room temperature until ripe and ready to eat.

Once ripe, you can place it in the refrigerator to prolong its freshness. It will keep for 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Mango is a nutritious fruit that can help keep the body healthy, especially the heart, eyes, immune and digestive systems.

Main nutrients of mango

Mango is rich in:

  • vitamin B9: provides 35.10% of the RDA, i.e. 70.20 µg per 100 g
  • vitamin C: provides 31.25% of the RDA, i.e. 25 mg per 100 g

Mango is a source of:

  • vitamin A (carotenoid family): provides 18% of the RDA, i.e. 144 µg per 100 g. Mango is the 5th fruit with the highest β-carotene content (Ciqual 2020 table)
  • vitamin E: provides 17.08% of RDA, i.e. 2.05 mg per 100 g. Mango is the fruit with the highest vitamin E content, just behind blackcurrants (Ciqual 2020 table)

Good to know, mango contains two main types of phytonutrients with antioxidant effects:

  • carotenoids, contained in large quantities in the pulp, which give it its beautiful yellow to orange color
  • polyphenols, contained mainly in the skin and core

Mango contains several polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions, protecting against cell degeneration.

To make the most of its polyphenols, and in particular mangiferin (often offered as a dietary supplement because of its many benefits on its own), we recommend that you scrape off the pulp in contact with the fruit's skin and stone. You can use a knife or your teeth to scrape the pulp.

Some mango varieties have a pleasant skin to eat - these are generally the ones with the lowest polyphenol content.




You bet! You can cut the fruit into pieces and freeze it for a tropical experience any time of year.
